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05 Promoted Listings standard campaign - PLS

Via SoldEazy, by just creating one promoted listing campaign, you may manage listings from different accounts.
*Please note that you have to link up new eBay API before using the function.
  1. What is Promoted Listings Standard Campaign?
  2. How to create a promoted listings standard campaign?
  3. How to add/remove listings from a promoted listings standard campaign?
  4. How to view the performance of each campaign?
  5. FAQ of the promoted listings standard campaign
1. What is Promoted Listings Standard Campaign?

Promoted listings is a smart and risk free way to get your items noticed on eBay. It puts sellers merchandise in front of more active shoppers, boosting item exposure by 30% and increasing the likelihood of a sale.

To know more, you may go to:

2. How to create a promoted listings standard campaign?

I. Go to the following website to endorse the agreement:

II. Login to SoldEazy. Go to Sell>Advertising & Promotion>eBay General Campaign Strategy



III. Click the <Create a new Campaign>.

  1. Campaign Name
  2. Campaign Site: Only 4 eBay sites support promoted listing, including the United States, Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Choose the site of your listings.
  3. Default Bid Percentage (%): Your ad rate is a percentage between 2% and 100% of the final sale price. Input a number within 2 to 100

    You may find the latest ad rate trend below:
  4. Start Time: The time when the campaign start. (Local time of the sites)
  5. End Time: The time when the campaign stops. You may leave it blank and manually stop the campaign in the future.
  6. Click <Save>.

IV. You may refer to the third section for a detailed walkthrough of adding listings to the campaign.

3. How to add/remove listings from a promoted listings standard campaign?

一、Add listing

I. Log in SoldEazy, go to Sell > Local Datasheet > Ready for Advertising

* "Ready for Advertising" page will show recommended listings from eBay, if you don't see any recommendations, please go to "Datasheet Maintenance" to select datasheets and continue

II. Sort out items to add to the campaign. The items may not be listed in the same account, but they must be in the same site. Check the results, and click the <Promoted Listing> button below.

II. Add/ Remove listing

  1. Campaign: Choose the created campaign
  2. Edit Type: You may (i)assign listings (ii)remove listings  (iii)edit the ad rate.
  3. Bid Percentage: This is a field for you to revise the bid percentage more flexibly. If you select (iii) edit the ad rate, you may input a number here.

Click <Update>.


二、View added listings

I. Click the downward arrow icon beside the <View> button. Select <Promoted Listing>. 

An orange icon shows besides the listing. Hover on the icon to check the campaign details.

II. Go back to Sell>Advertising & Promotion>eBay General Campaign Strategy , campaign management page will show number of listings added to campaigns


III. You may search the listings by promoted listings in the Datasheet Maintenance.



4. How to view the performance of each campaign?

I. Login to SoldEazy. Go to Sell>Advertising & Promotion>eBay General Campaign Strategy



II. Click white button for details of each campaign


III. A summary of the campaign performance is available. You may also check the performance of each account to let you make decisions based on the market reaction. For example, revising the ad rate of the campaign.



IV. You may also export the performance report in csv format.

Export a report for a single account in a campaign



Export an integrated report for all accounts in a campaign

CSV sample of an exported report

Please note that the system update the data once a day. If the campaign performance report does not show any data, you may try again later.

V. In campaign detail page, you are able to see the number of listings added in the campaign. Click the number and you will be directed to the respective datasheets.

VI. If you want to revise the ad rate individually, check the listings, and click the <Promoted Listing> button below.

5. FAQ of the promoted listings standard campaign


Q: How many items can I add to a single campaign?

Ans: Up to 25,000 listings can be assigned to a campaign.


Q: How to check if my items are listed as promoted listings after the campaign starts?

Ans: The result is based on the ad rate you assigned. You may find the result from the performance data of the campaign.


Q: How to understand the status of the campaign in eBay?
Ans: The button turns green if the campaign was created in eBay; Campaigns created in SoldEazy shows grey buttons.

Buttons on the right represents scheduled or ongoing campaigns.

Button on the left represents ended campaigns.

Please note that campaigns created in eBay cannot be revised in SoldEazy and vice versa.


Q: Error message "The listing Id xxxxxxxxxxxx does not belong to the seller making this call"

A: You did not connect the eBay new API correctly, please go to Channels>Sales Channel, click pencil button on the left of your eBay account, link up the new API and try again.


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