Error: Duration cannot be revised, possible reasons: the item has bid or active Best Offers or is ending in 12 hours, the item is a store item, or the item is an ad-format item.
文章ID編號: 392 | 分数: 未评分 | 最后更新时间: Wed, May 30, 2018 12:24 PM
Error: Duration cannot be revised, possible reasons: the item has bid or active Best Offers or is ending in 12 hours, the item is a store item, or the item is an ad-format item.
Error: Duration cannot be revised, possible reasons: the item has bid or active Best Offers or is ending in 12 hours, the item is a store item, or the item is an ad-format item. |
出现这个报错的原因是数据表的刊登时间跟listing实际的刊登时间不一致。 listing上架后不能在数据表把之前的刊登时间进行修改,如30天改为GTC 解决办法: 1.选择该报错的listing,然后 同步选择“从渠道平台同步回数据表”,即可把之前的数据还原 2.如果知道listing原本的刊登时间,直接在数据表里面把刊登时间修改即可