Error: At least one of the variations associated with this listing must have a quantity greater than 0. Error: To require immediate payment, you must specify a Buy It Now price.

Error: At least one of the variations associated with
this listing must have a quantity greater than 0.
Error: To require immediate payment, you must
specify a Buy It Now price.


Error: At least one of the variations associated with this listing must have a quantity greater than 0. Error: To require immediate payment, you must specify a Buy It Now price.

如果用户在想要将一条BIN GTC的多属性listing设置为缺货(OS,out-of-stock)状态时出现这条错误信息,说明用户可能不小心将自己账号的「缺货」 (OS,out-of-stock) 功能关闭了。



进入 渠道设置 > 销售渠道 ,找到该listing所在的账号,点击账号右侧的齿轮按钮,像下图一样开启缺货功能即可。


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