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The width of the text description 01 edit table is 100%, but the table exceeds the border when browsing on the mobile phone after launching the listing?

The width of the text description 01 edit table is 100%, but the table exceeds the border when browsing on the mobile phone after launching the listing? 

The width of the text description 01 edit table is 100%, but the table exceeds the border when browsing on the mobile phone after launching the listing? 


Edit a table in the text description 01, the setting of width is 100%, edit content as follows:

After launching the listing, browsing the table on the mobile phone, you will find that the table exceeds the border and is only the display part, the effect as follows:


The reason for this problem is that the text content is too long and cause the displayed content incomplete, the solution as follows: 

1. Open the ' Text Description 01 ' and click the Source Code ' on the upper left corner of the text edit box

2. Open the source code and find the 'table' in the table part inside

3. Add word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all to the style=" behind the table;

Click <Save> and done!


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