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How do I add multiple products at once?You can add multiple products at once by uploading a feed using the Add Products tool (Products> Add new Products> Product CSV File.) Here we will explain how to upload the feed to the CSV file. You can create a CSV file through applications like Microsoft Excel and Google Drive. Essentially, your feed will be a spreadsheet with each occupying its own cell attribute. Below, we will create the CSV using Google Drive and then upload it to the Merchant Dashboard.Creating a CSV File 1) Create a spreadsheet for your product feed. Here is a template you can use to fill in with your products. The first row of this file list possible attributes. The attributes that begin with an asterisk (*) are required , all other attributes are optional. Please note that if you do not need to add an attribute for a particular item, just leave that column out of your spreadsheet. For example, if you are adding a purse and it does not need a size, then remove the 'size' column from your spreadsheet. For more information on these attributes, visit Product Specification . It is OK if you use different attribute names in your feed than we do. For instance, you may use the term "Inventory" rather than "Quantity . " We will explain how to match your attribute names to ours later in this guide. Uploading the Feed and Mapping Attributes
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文章ID編號: 299
已发布: Thu, May 17, 2018 11:00 AM
最后更新时间: Thu, May 17, 2018 11:23 AM
已发布: Holistic Tech []