Why can’t Item Description Sidebar Display the Store categories?

Six possibilities:

  1. The account is only a personal account, and user hasn't subscribed eBay store function.
  2. There is a store, but no store category is set.
  3. There is a store and store categories are all set, but no item has applied these store categories.
  4. There is a store and store categories are all set, but the item from datasheet applied wrong store category numbers.
  5. There is a store, store categories are all set, user has applied the correct store category numbers in datasheets. However, the listing template hasn't turned on the store categories in sidebar.
  6. If there is no setting problem at all, please contact SoldEazy customer service to report the problem

Article Number: 427
Posted: Tue, Jul 10, 2018 3:40 PM
Last Updated: Wed, Jul 11, 2018 11:09 AM
Posted: Holistic Tech [info@holistictec.com]

Online URL: https://www.soldeazy.com/support/article.php?id=427